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EquiLEAD -
Leadership Workshops For Community Services
Workers and Professionals

Frontline workers and individuals in the health, community, and human services domains bear significant responsibilities in providing assistance to the most vulnerable members of our society. Despite the meaningful nature of their roles, the work environment often exposes them to exhaustion and burnout. Ultimately, when we prioritise the well-being and leadership growth of our community service workers and professionals it serves as a catalyst for fostering personal development, nurturing emotional well-being, and boosting practical skills and confidence. This approach becomes pivotal in cultivating meaningful connections, reinforcing relationships, and establishing a compassionate support network. Consequently, individuals are empowered with the best possible tools to provide optimal assistance to the most vulnerable individuals within our community, yielding the most favorable outcomes.

Womens Workshop

Community Services
Emotionally Engaged Leadership Model

Being an effective and emotionally intelligent leader is important, because leadership is who we are. The ability to lead and to help others is what the community services sector is all about.


The "EquiLEAD" model aims to prepare and empower those who offer assistance to community members or manage and lead teams within the sector. It concentrates on cultivating crucial interpersonal abilities by enhancing Social & Emotional Leadership. This ensures that workers, professionals and managers are ready to address not only clients' or workers' immediate requirements but also adopt a holistic approach when assisting or advising others. Moreover, it emphasises the preservation of mental health and emotional well-being among workers and professionals.

Your commitment to your or your team's personal and professional growth will make a difference. 





The Workshops Are For:


Community Service Workers


Allied Health Professionals

Frontline Health Care Workers

Social Workers

Case Managers

Youth Workers

NDIS Support Coordinators



The Building Stronger Communities initiative paves the way for positive change on both an individual and community level. As workers and professionals develop, grow and thrive, they become catalysts for transformation within their communities. They inspire others to take courageous steps forward, fostering a ripple effect of empowerment and progress.

What You'll Take Away From The Workshops:

Cultivate EQ Leadership

Develop a strong leadership presence rooted in authenticity and social emotional intelligence, inspiring trust and confidence in your clients and colleagues. Developing an authentic leadership style is a professional catalyst, aligning your values, actions, and communication. It fosters genuine connections and enhances empowered decision-making. By leading authentically, you empower yourself and others to thrive; communicate openly; navigate challenges with integrity; and contribute a positive impact on both your career and the organisation you serve.

Gain An Understanding Of Human Behaviour And Self Awareness

Increasing self-awareness is the first step in personal and professional growth. It enables you to understand your behaviours' impact on yourself and others and adjust your responses accordingly. Participants will develop a deep insight into your behaviour and communication styles for yourself and others, as well as how to manage your own emotions resourcefully through times of change, pressure or uncertainty. 

Elevated Communication Skills

Hone your communication skills to convey complex ideas, active listening, and collaborate more effectively with diverse clients and teams. Effective communication is vital in both work and daily life. Strong communication skills in the community sector help individuals interact with, and empower staff and/or clients. You will receive an Extended DISC® assessment which serves as a framework to improve your interactions, enhancing your professional and personal communication.

Learn How To Develop A Healthy Perspective

Learning how to develop a clean and healthy perspective allows you to avoid judgement, respond resourcefully (not impulsively), develop deeper empathy, reduce stress, gain clarity and is a fundamental aspect of transforming your relationship with uncertainty. 

Improve Relationships & Positive Interactions

Social intelligence in the workplace refers to the ability of individuals to effectively navigate and manage social interactions, relationships, and dynamics within the professional environment. It involves you having a deep awareness and understanding of others so that you can respond to the emotions, needs, motivations, and behaviors of clients, colleagues or supervisors. Socially intelligent individuals excel at communication, collaboration, and creating a positive and cohesive relationships.

Leadership and EQ development offers numerous benefits to the community services and allied health workers and professionals, enhancing their effectiveness and impact in the field. Here's a summary of how people with careers in the sector benefit from leadership development:


Community support workers and professionals play a vital role in supporting and empowering vulnerable individuals and communities. Leadership development equips them with essential skills to enhance their professional capabilities. By participating in leadership programs, support workers and professionals gain insights into effective communication, conflict resolution, and team management. These skills enable them to collaborate more efficiently with colleagues, advocate for their clients, and navigate complex situations.


Furthermore, leadership development fosters self-awareness, enabling employees to recognize their strengths and areas for growth. This awareness empowers them to deliver tailored support and interventions while maintaining their well-being. Staff become adept at adapting their approaches to different clients and situations, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and client satisfaction.


Leadership training also nurtures empathy and cultural sensitivity, crucial attributes in the social work field. Support workers right through to managers learn to understand diverse perspectives, fostering meaningful connections with clients and team members from various backgrounds. This helps build trust and rapport, enabling more effective engagement and intervention.


Additionally, leadership development equips individuals with skills to address organisational challenges. As emerging leaders, individuals can influence positive systemic shifts, advocating better services for their clients.


Vision For Our Rural Communities

Jess serves both metro and rural areas. She operates a fantastic external facility within a commutable distance from Adelaide and resides in South Australia's South East, on the Limestone Coast. With a background in the rural sector, she remains committed to serving rural regions.

"Our vision is to transform the rural community services sector from the inside out. We aim to go beyond the checkbox of professional qualifications to nurture leaders who are not just proficient but are emotionally invested. By leveraging targeted workshops, experiential learning, and evidence-based behavioural profiling, we're building the numbers of community service professionals who are as empathetic and emotionally equipped, as they are efficient. We see a future where these emotionally engaged leaders become the backbone of rural communities, driving change while providing unwavering support to the most vulnerable among us.
In short, we're not just strengthening communities; we're fortifying them for generations to come"



Jess and the Herd


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