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Team PROFILING Solutions

Go  From  The Frustration Of Managing Miscommunication,
  Clear, Effective Communication and A Team That Understands Each Other In
 Just a Few Hours –Improve Your Team’s
Communication, Interactions, Cooperation & Productivity!

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Behavioural Profiling Is The First Step To Better Understanding Ourselves and Others -
Personally and Professionally

Achieve Outcomes Through Understanding 

Self-awareness is the foundation of all personal growth and leadership-
and understanding others is the key to functional relationships and a harmonious culture.

In the workplace and in business, a team's success relies on more than just technical skills and knowledge. The individuals within your business and team are your greatest resource. Below are some common management and interpersonal challenges encountered when working with people.

When It Comes To Managing Your Business Or Team, Do You Struggle With..


     Choosing suitable workers that are a match for the role?

     Understanding your or other's behavioural patterns and how they impact your interactions?

     Recognising your or other's own strengths and areas for improvement?

     Understanding your or other's stress triggers and how to manage them?

     Communication breakdowns & misunderstandings?

     Differences in generational ideals within the team?

     Understanding what makes people tick?

     Understanding why people behave the way they do?

     Understanding why people make decisions the way they do? 

     Resistance to the idea of change in their role or business?

     One-sided perspectives during conversations?

     Understanding people's motivations?

     Understanding people's emotions during critical conversations?

     Bridging gaps in team collaboration?




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Hi, I'm Jess,

I collaborate with individuals, leaders, teams, business owners, managers, and decision-makers to build leadership capacity and enhance team interactions, foster a sense of belonging, and improve daily communication and collaboration.

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To achieve these objectives I personally chose Extended DISC as my preferred behavioural profiling tool because:

  • It's a scientifically validated behavioural assessment tool.

  • It measures and compares individuals' natural hard-wired behaviours with their perceived need to adjust behaviours and energy output in their work environment.


The assessments provide accurate information on:

  • How individuals prefer to act, interact and respond to their environment.

  • Areas for personal development.

This powerful knowledge helps in understanding:

  • How someone operates at work.

  • How they manage their thoughts, feelings, natural skills, decision making and responses.

  • How people communicate and how to become more adaptable in communication.

  • Gaps in natural skills and abilities.

  • Individuals' blind spots in how they view things and respond to situations.

I offer profound insights into individual and team behavior, including traits, patterns, communication styles, and work preferences. With a coached unpack session, this powerful tool enhances interpersonal skills, relationships, communication effectiveness, and team work, in a farming or agribusiness environment.

Which Behavioural Blueprint Drives Your
Interactions, Actions & Responses?


Download Now! 

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Use TeamPROFILE Solutions Assessments to
shift from misunderstandings & interpersonal challenges to- 

Understanding your team members' behaviours and motivations, enabling you to strengthen communication, collaboration and happiness!

The Solution!

Human Behavioural Profiling gives you measurable and predictable insights for every individual on the team, as well as the team dynamic and team culture, so that you can create a resourceful & cooperative team that sticks together to overcome challenges, improve productivity, and work more resourcefully together.


Communication Styles:

Discover your primary communication style and those of your partner and workers. Understand the differences in how we convey and receive information to enhance workplace interactions. Clear and effective communication improves efficiency and reduces misunderstandings, even under pressure.

Decision-Making Criteria:

Learn what drives each of your decision-making processes and how it differs from each other. Understand the factors influencing your partner's or team member's choices, to improve collaboration. Understanding team behaviours and styles leads to more informed and collaborative decision-making.


Fears That Drive Behaviour:

Identify the underlying fears that influence your behaviour and those of your team. Use this understanding to manage and motivate effectively, considering each person's unique drivers.





​General Response To Stress:
Gain insights into how each team member responds to stress, change, and uncertainty. Equip your team with strategies to handle pressure more effectively.


Learning Styles:

Understand the preferred learning styles of each individual in your team. Tailor your training and development efforts to match these styles, ensuring more effective skill-building and knowledge transfer.


Strengths and Weaknesses:

Get a clear view of each team member's behavioural strengths and weaknesses. Use this information to assign tasks, plan training, and optimise productivity and teamwork. 



81% of our clients have experienced a significant increase in self-awareness in themselves and their teams since using an Extended DISC® workplace assessment.

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Where to from here?

If you still need to understand more of how behavioural profiling is a worthwhile tool for your workplace or business, please arrange a call with me to discuss how the human development tool and my private mentoring or group facilitation can help you solve some of the personal or interpersonal challenges experienced in your environment.

At Leading Change Experiences, I offer different options to fit your people development needs. Whether you’re looking to empower individual team members, enhance collaboration and team functionality and cultural change, we provide solutions to help you overcome the challenges that come when working with people.
Check more out below 

Why Work With Jess?

Specialised Facilitator:

Jess is a senior facilitator with 7 years of experience, expertly blending leadership and team culture development with a deep understanding of relationship dynamics. Her unique background ensures that her programs are both relevant and effective in developing your people and teams. She brings practical knowledge, exceptional people skills, leadership development expertise, emotional intelligence, and real-world behavioral insights to her sessions and workshops.



Extending Your Development with EquiLEAD :

At Leading Change Experiences, Jess's commitment to the growth and development of people and teams extends beyond behavioural profiling. Building on the insights gained from your profiling sessions, the EquiLEAD workshops continues your leadership and team development journey. This program offers in-depth leadership training for all members in your organisation, business or department, and is tailored to meet your objectives, focusing on practical applications. It helps overcome team dysfunctions and promotes self leadership and self agency within your team members- empowering them to to create a high-trust team environment and reach their full potential both as individuals, and as a collaborative team - in really conscious and practical ways.




Your Profiling Options

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Equip & Empower Your People, Your Greatest Resource!



Are you ready to take yourself and your people to the next level?
Contact Jess today to schedule your behavioural profiling sessions or workshop and start transforming your team dynamics. 

Behavioural profiling and the team workshop is ideal for you if you are looking to enhance leadership, improve communication, and strengthen team relationships and cohesion in your team/s. Whether your goal is to nurture emerging talent, foster effective and adaptable communication, build engagement or leadership capacity, Jess will discuss how profiling can align with your objectives.


Discover what’s possible with HumanPROFILING Solutions and take the first step towards a more cohesive, productive, and harmonious team.


"I look forward to collaborating with you to foster deeper understanding of human behaviour and develop adaptable, cohesive team members within your department, organisation or business!"- Jess

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