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ilead Profiling Solutions

What if you could unlock your deepest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships, communication accelerate your results?

In One Hour   -Understand what's holding you back, what drives your actions, behaviours and interactions - and  how to adapt behaviourally, to reach your potential!

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Behavioural Profiling
Makes Your Unconscious Behaviours-


Do you want to know about yourself-


     Why I react the way I do to certain situations?

     Why do I do the things I do in business and in life? 

     What is my communication style? 

     How can I communicate more effectively with other people who       are a different style to me?

     What drives my decision making & what's holding me back?

     What are my natural strengths?

     What are my areas of improvement as a leader, as a person?

     What is my unique leadership style and how does it affect other       people?

     What is my behavioural blueprint? What are my patterns?

     How do my behaviours influence my interactions and                         relationships with people at work and in my personal life?

     How can I communicate more effectively with other people?

     Why certain things trigger stress, resistance or fatigue in me,             and how do I manage these?

     How do I get the best out of others?



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Achieve Outcomes Through Understanding.


What Is Behavioural Profiling? And Why EDISC? 

EDISC (Extended DISC) unveils your possibilities to develop in directions that were previously difficult to access. 

Extended DISC® is a behavioural analysis tool designed to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding human behaviour. By utilising the Extended DISC® profile, you can deepen your self-awareness, identify your unique leadership style, and gain the insights necessary to adapt and refine your behaviour.


If you are a leader, emerging leader, or looking to self-lead, the iLEAD Profiling assessment and consult session will provide you with valuable insights that can serve as superpowers in both your professional role and personal relationships. Adaptability is one of the most valuable attributes in leading yourself and others.
Knowledge is your greatest asset when it comes to:


  • Enhancing Self-Agency: Gain deeper understanding and control over your actions and decisions.

  • Strengthening Relationships: Improve your interactions and build stronger connections with others.

  • Working More Resourcefully: Increase efficiency and effectiveness in your various roles.

The benefits include:

  • A genuine Self-Reputation

  • Increased Confidence

  • Greater Certainty

  • More Control Over Your Responses and Actions

Ultimately, this knowledge influences your feelings and experiences each day, empowering you to lead with greater impact and effectiveness.


By understanding your own and others' behaviour,
you learn how to adjust your behaviour in order to be more effective in any situation, avoiding unnecessary problems in communication.

- Joe Pane

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Which Behavioural Blueprint Drives Your
Communication, Interactions, Actions & Responses?

Download Now!

Click here to download

An iLeadPROFILE Assessment Will Improve Your  
Communication, Adaptability, Inner Certainty & Leadership Competencies

What You'll Come Away With!


Your Innate Behavioural Blueprint


How You Perceive The Need To Adapt Your Natural Behaviours In Your Work Environment... 

- And What That Means For You!

Your Communication Style

Your Strengths & Development Areas

Your Decision-Making Style




​Your General Response To Stress


Your Leadership Style


How Others May Perceive You


Your Drivers For Performance


What Motivates You & What De-motivates You


How To Increase Your Success As A Leader



81% of our clients have experienced a significant increase in self-awareness in themselves and their teams since using an Extended DISC® workplace assessment.

Your Personal
iLEAD Profiling
& Unpack Coaching Session!


What's Included

for you?


Complimentary 15-Minute Mini Session
Meet with Jess on the phone or a Zoom call to ask any questions, discuss your goals or challenges, build rapport, and set the stage for your profiling journey.

Extended DISC Online Assessment
Receive an email with comprehensive instructions on how to complete your online profiling assessment. Jess will be available to provide support should you encounter any difficulties with the questionnaire.
The Extended DISC® Assessment is one of the most highly validated, tested and reliable behavioural assessments available. 

60-Minute Unpack/Coaching Session
Dive deep into your results with a personalised coaching session designed to maximise your understanding, insights and growth.

20+ Page Personalized Profile Report
Receive a comprehensive report detailing your unique natural and adapted behavioural profiles, strengths, and areas for development.


Additional Specialised Report!

Enhance your understanding with an additional report tailored to your needs. We will determine the best fit for you from the following options:

Communication: Improve your interaction skills and build stronger connections.
Management: Optimise your managerial approach for better team dynamics.
Leadership Workbook: Elevate your leadership skills and drive effective team performance.
Grow & Develop: Focus on your personal and professional growth strategies.

Cost - $497 All Inclusive

Book Now!

Why Work With Jess?

Specialised Facilitator:

Jess Keenan is a senior facilitator with 7 years of experience, expertly blending leadership and team culture development with a deep understanding of aware leadership and relationship dynamics. Her unique background ensures that her programs are both relevant and effective in developing individuals and teams. She brings practical knowledge, exceptional people skills, leadership development expertise, EQ, emotional fitness, and real-world behavioural insights to her sessions and workshops.


Equip & Empower Yourself
Through Knowledge

Behavioural Profiling - 


  • Personal Development

  • Leadership

  • Communication

  • Relationships

  • Business Partnerships

  • Workplace

  • Team Development

  • Sales

  • Recruitment & Retention


Are you ready to take yourself to the next level?
Contact me today to schedule your one on one
behavioural profiling unpack session.



"I look forward to our session together to deep dive into your behavioural blueprint and uncover the parts of your profile that you are currently unaware about - so that with understanding, and conscious choices around traits, habits and behaviours, you can propel yourself forwards!"

- Jess

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